[RTTY] RM-11708

Ron Kolarik rkolarik at neb.rr.com
Fri Jul 29 16:00:21 EDT 2016

Thanks David and it's something everyone should consider in comments. 
Take a look at the Region 2 band plan, with minor
tweaking to fit some of the license class rules it's quite workable for 
US hams. I'm going to suggest just that in a comment
along with better enforcement of current rules......no rule/regulation 
change just enforcement.


On 7/29/2016 11:04 AM, G3YYD wrote:
> Bandwidth limits have been used for many years in the IARU Region 1 plan. They are voluntary and are complied with by the vast majority of operators (I would say >99%).
> So the "RTTY" segments are 500Hz bandwidth, "CW" segments are 200Hz and "SSB" 2700Hz. However some are further qualified by type of use as well.
> For a better understanding then look here: https://thersgb.org/services/bandplans/html/rsgb_band_plan_june_2016.htm
> Seems to be that the land of the free is not the land of the free when it comes to amateur radio regulations. They are vastly more onerous and complex than the ones here in the UK. For those who want to know more here is the current UK licence:
> http://licensing.ofcom.org.uk/binaries/spectrum/amateur-radio/guidance-for-licensees/amateur-terms.pdf
> 73 David G3YYD

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