Salvatore Irato iw1ayd at gmail.com
Mon Mar 21 05:16:38 EDT 2016

Hi all.

Being interested to decoders and trying to learning what would apply
all round I have rediscovered GRITTY. Well, I placed it in use again.
Now I have 4 decoders. But leaving out the master functions, i.e.
decoding, where there are differences that push all it to use four of
those, there are also some differences that arise from the different
way as those are written. N1MM+ try and succeed integrating almost
all, with some GRITTY exclusions. But also the programs by their self
are different.

Considering the RX side only and MMTTY as the de facto master of the
integration with N1MM+ using FSK. Then:
2Tone lack the automatic logging facility that MMTTY have;
2Tone lack the log time-stamping option that only MMTTY have;
GRITTY lack any logging facility that MMTTY have;
GRITTY doesn't integrate at all with N1MM+ single DI text output partitions;
GRITTY leave unused  and not resizable space into the N1MM+ partitioned window;
GRITTY leave main tones setup at hands, even it it have a powerful
scan and grab function.

Integration, with N1MM+, lacks of GRITTY are partly due the nature of
the great features it have. But the same are also part of N1MM+ way to
distribute the real estate of the main DI window - where the action
is, not in GRITTY or 2Tone displaced windows.

The automated logging is a controversial feature: someone like to say
it seems to mach a post contest recovery instrument; others say it is
a general features that leave each of free not to use
keystrokes/received data for a window.
Also a well done logging features enabled will not offend who will not
use it to patch any contest log. But he will use it to answer any QSL
query for NILs and other subdue questions.

All the 3 decoders have theirs good point and minding the steps in
between all the 3 well deserve to stay on the screen. Well, with 1+1
windows with GRITTY, with just one without GRITTY. The total amount of
engines in RX is 4 in SO1V, 8 in SO2V/2R.

Integration with/in N1MM+ is still perfectible, keeping in mind that
software is not as easy as it seems to work with. But leaving holes
seeing that all is OK is not a well perceived perspective. Even
considering that we are speaking of big, great, performing, effective,
easy to setup free software.

               73 de iw1ayd Salvo

PS just to say more strongly that the action in RTTY is where anyone
read and track the incoming text whatever it is. Having to change that
focus point, but still doing the same action, is a wrong behavior and
a potential source of operating errors.

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