john at kk9a.com
john at kk9a.com
Mon Mar 28 10:11:22 EDT 2016
I have never heard QRL or any other other method of asking if the
frequency is in use during a RTTY contest. Usually I just get blasted
with a CQ and I have to blow off the weak station that I was trying to
copy to regain the frequency.
John KK9A
To: "'reflector RTTY'" <rtty at contesting.com>
Subject: [RTTY] QRL?
From: "Ed Muns" <ed at w0yk.com>
Reply-to: ed at w0yk.com
QRL? may give the sender a warm, self-righteous feeling, but it does little
to politely determine if a frequency is in use. When I hear "QRL?" on my
run frequency it is almost always at a time when I'm struggling to copy the
exchange of a weak station. (Otherwise, I'd be transmitting.) The last
thing I need to do is answer the QRL? query and further QRM the station I'm
trying to copy.
Sending "QRL?" means that the station did not listen long enough and has
decided to risk QRMing an ongoing QSO rather than be patient. He might as
well just starting calling CQ.
The best way to determine if a frequency is in use is to listen a long
enough time to account for the possibility that half of the on-going QSO is
not apparent to you.
Those with a sufficient waterfall history don't have to listen as long, but
the goal is the same: a quiet frequency for a sufficiently long period.
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