[RTTY] BARTG Press Release

Simone Wilson m0box at btinternet.com
Wed Nov 23 15:19:01 EST 2016

Dear Diddlers,


Please read below the information on changes and additions to the BARTG 2017
contest season.


73 de Simone. M0BOX

BARTG Contest Manageress




BARTG contests are a long established part of the data contesting calendar,
however their rules and aims were set in the mists of time. To bring these
contests up to date with current technology, operating practices, and appeal
to a wider audience, BARTG are pleased to announce the following
modifications to their contest portfolio.


"Diddler of the Year" Championship


The British Amateur Radio Teledata Group are pleased to announce the
introduction of our Championship to find the "Diddler of the Year"

There will be two championship tables, one for SOE and one for SOAB. All
entrants into these two sections in each of the four contests will be
entered automatically into the section table.

The 1st place at the end of the four contest season will receive a BARTG
Salver and the top 5 entrants will receive a commemorative certificate.


Rule Changes - All Contests


For the 2017 season BARTG are changing the section rules for the Single
Operator All Band (SOAB) section. Full details of the rule changes will be
on the BARTG website under the relevant contest. To summarise, the changes
to SOAB are to limit the maximum power output to 100w, and SO2R is not
permitted. Remote operation will be permitted for all classes.


Rule Changes - Sprint & HF


2017 will see the Multi operator (MO) section split into Multi Single and
Multi Mult classes. This is to encourage participation from the contest

SWL becomes QRP


Due to the lack of entrants, the SWL section has been withdrawn from the
January Sprint and March HF contests, and has been replaced with a QRP
section where the maximum power output is 5 watts. All other SOAB rules will

SOE automatic qualification revamped


The automatic promotion criteria to Single Operator Expert (SOE) from Single
Operator All Bands (SOAB) is being changed as the current system can
discourage entrants who feel uncompetitive in the EXPERT class. The
qualifications for the EXPERTS list for 2018 will be altered so that the
three years qualification is reduced to one. In SOE the three years
qualification is reduced to two. In this way the churn of stations in SOE
will be increased.


BARTG seek a Webmaster


BARTG is looking for a webmaster who is well versed in the dark art of
website creation and maintenance to bring a fresh new look to our web
presence. The position would be voluntary and will be a committee position.
Ideally the applicant will already be a friend of BARTG. If you are
interested in taking up the challenge then please apply by email to Ian
Brothwell G4EAN via  secretary at bartg.org.uk

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