[RTTY] Guess I have been away longer than I thought. +the Signalink USB

Thom Durfee ki8w at usa.com
Sat Oct 1 07:19:27 EDT 2016

I do not currently own any computers I can install serial cards into but 
I remember buying those cards back in the 90's because I always seemed 
to run out of serial ports...lol

I will check out that interface though.



Thom KI8W

On 10/1/2016 7:12 AM, Scott Schultz wrote:
> On 9/30/2016 12:08 PM, Thom Durfee wrote:
>> I am so used to having serial com ports but I have not owned a 
>> computer that has them for many years.
> And this is precisely why I added a dual serial card to my computer. 
> They are stupid cheap from places like NewEgg. The one I am using now 
> cost less than $15... and that included shipping! My PC runs Windows10 
> and it installed with absolutely no issues. You will still need some 
> sort of "interface" between the serial port and your rig's FSK port. I 
> built the W3YY kit - http://www.w3yy.com/fsk.htm. If you want, you can 
> also buy the interface assembled. This combination works well with 
> 73,
> de Scott N0IU
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