pb7z at ziggo.nl pb7z at ziggo.nl
Tue Oct 18 06:06:14 EDT 2016

Propagation wasn't very well. Better on saturday then sunday , but both days
worse then last year.
Not even half of the QSO's to USA/Canada this year if i compair it with 2015
This means also less multies...
In 2015 i had also few stations from NA on 10M...this year only few EU...EA8
..and SA.
Guess we have to life with the fact that we are going to the downpart of
this cycle...

Still enjoyed the contest.
Used Yaesu FT-897 with GS35 (400W)
Antenna's were Butternut HF6V and Windom for lower bands.

  Band  QSOs  Mults
   80:  101    32
   40:  205    51
   20:  196    56
   15:   79    37
   10:   25    10
Total:  608   186  Total Score = 249,984

73's and Good Health and DX
Bernard de PB7Z
QSL via LoTW , Buro , Direct , eQSL

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