Erik - K5WW k5ww at coyotearc.net
Thu Oct 27 22:52:29 EDT 2016

Have you actually logged any dummy QSOs? Without any QSOs in your log it won't work.

K5WW ~ on the road

<div>-------- Original message --------</div><div>From: Peter Pauly <ppauly at gmail.com> </div><div>Date:10/27/2016  8:40 PM  (GMT-06:00) </div><div>To: pcooper at guernsey.net </div><div>Cc: Thom <ki8w at ki8w.com>, rtty at contesting.com </div><div>Subject: Re: [RTTY] WAE RTTY and QTCs </div><div>
</div>I opened up the WAE RTTY contest log just to practice and I can't get the
QTC information to show. CTRL-Z does nothing for me. Does it work with
MMVARI or do I have to use MMTTY? I've tried it with both - nothing.

On Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 5:14 PM, Phil Cooper <pcooper at guernsey.net> wrote:

> Hi Thom and the group,
> Thom, have a look at my website http://www.gu0sup.com/wae.html for some
> idea
> of how to use Writelog for the WAEDC RTTY contest.
> It may help you decide how to handle QTC's (or not!), but I would say they
> are fun, and once you get the hang of it, it isn't that difficult.
> For me, it is my favourite contest of the year, simply because it requires
> thinking about, some tactics, and it can be fun!
> If you duck out of it this year, next year you will probably think the same
> thing. Entering and not exchanging QTC's is possible, and many do it, but
> it
> really isn't that hard.
> As a first-timer with QTC's, go S&P, and ask to send QTC's. This is fairly
> easy to do. If you are asked for a repeat of a QTC number, it means they
> want you to send JUST that one line from the QTC list.
> To do this, click on the QTC needed 3 times - which sends it 3 times - but
> remember you have to press the ESC key to stop transmitting. This may be a
> bug in WL, I don't know, but it's how you do it.
> When they send ALL OK, log the contact.
> It's that simple!
> Receiving them can be more fraught with danger, especially if you are new
> to
> the game, but once you have done it, it's less of a problem.
> The dangers occur when the screen starts to run away with you, and you find
> yourself unable to click on the items quickly enough.
> If you open an RX QTC window, when they are sent to you, you will see the
> whole line turn a pinkish colour. That means you can just click anywhere on
> the line to enter all three parts of the QTC.
> However, sometimes the line will contain garbage, and the skill is in
> seeing
> this quickly.
> Knowing how to handle it comes with experience, and a bit of luck!
> Try it, you never know, it may work well for you, and you will enjoy it.
> 73 and hope to catch you in the contest!
> Phil GU0SUP
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