[RTTY] callsign/callsign DQ

Joe Subich, W4TV lists at subich.com
Mon Feb 13 17:32:12 EST 2017

>> WE2ASS/NY6DX is the FCC directed identification for a lower class
>> licensee to operate outside their assigned frequencies, using the
>> call sign of the higher class licensee acting as the control
>> operator.

That's backward.  WE2ASS/NY6DX *should be* WE2ASS's station operated
by NY6DX outside the frequencies permitted to WE2ASS.  WE2ASS (the
licensee) would not be permitted to make QSOs with stations in
countries with which the US does not have a third party agreement on
frequencies outside those permitted by his license - even if NY6DX was
present as a control operator - as those QSOs are by definition, third
party communications (any communication not between the two licensed
control operators).

If WE2ASS was indeed the operator, the entry should be examined
carefully and disqualified if any prohibited third party communication
is discovered.  If the entry is single operator by NY6DX it's probably
OK (except for the "unstable call").


    ... Joe, W4TV

On 2/13/2017 5:16 PM, Hank Garretson wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 13, 2017 at 1:59 PM, Mike Smith VE9AA <ve9aa at nbnet.nb.ca> wrote:
> Is USACALL/USACALL even a valid "callsign" to send out over the air, ever?
>> (nevermind trying to determine if this person should be DQ'd or not)
> ARRL Pacific Director W6RGG says it is valid.
> WE2ASS/NY6DX is the FCC directed identification for a lower class licensee
>> to operate outside their assigned frequencies, using the call sign of the
>> higher class licensee acting as the control operator.  Nothing wrong with
>> it, and the award credit goes to the call sign as sent.
> Contest Exuberantly,
> Hank, W6SX
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