[RTTY] PORTABLE RTTY What do you do when you need to charge & power 2 items yet 1 USB

COURYHOUSE at aol.com COURYHOUSE at aol.com
Sun Jul 23 18:23:51 EDT 2017

What do you do when you need to charge  and power  2 items yet only on one 

A Portable Software Defied Radio and RTTY listening  post!

Me and a few old High School  friends   have  Ematic  little 8 inch laptop 
2 in one things that we  want  to use  with  software  defined  radio...  
dongles.  (I also have a Hundai 8 inch 2 in one too as well as  the  Ematic.  
I prefer the EMATIC  for  travel or possible field  day use as the keyboard 
clamps snugly over the  tablet... and it  magnets together with hardware 
contacts to the table.   Alas same  problem ...  only one  USB Port only.)
( for those that do no know about these they are the size of a  large flash 
 drive and give you a radio accessible  by   your  computer soul and screen 
500 khz  1.2 ghz for 20  bucks)
Some of us like to decode radio teletype   RTTY  and  use MMTTY software.
Here is the outline of things to consider   
with the problem being presented..
1-   Ematic and may  tablets and cheap laptops  have  only one   USB  
port... yet  you need to be able to  keep  them  charged  
2- You need a  USB to go to  the  Software  Defined  Radio  Dongle that is 
how the  dongle and the  Ematic communicate
3-  realize  in a natural setup  the SDR Dongle's  USB port, draws power  
from the USB  port  on whatever  computer you are connected to. (no problem 
if it is bag Dell tower or something  BUT! maybe  too much  or  enough  to 
really  run  down a Ematic).
4- It would be ideal to  have both radio and Emaitc  communicate and  the 
Ematic able to draw power and charge at same time and  the  UDB SDR radio 
dongle   is getting external power. 
5-  A not  so nice but if all else is impossible   would be  to have the 
Ematic communicating though its USB port  but  charged abut also  NOT 
supplying power to the dongle... the   dongle  would  be powered  off  some sort of 
adapter/ wire  harness/ kludege box and  cable  ??? ( Lets really  try   for 
 option 4 as  you may only be able to run this rig  for 3  hours before 
having to de-cable it and  plug the EMATIC in to recharge)  {{Pretend I did not 
mention this and concentrate on item 4 on this  list  <<GRIN!>>
6 -  Ematic  link  the  frys  link ( we  all got then between 50 adn 60 
bucks with promo codes!) http://www.frys.com/product/8573369
The  EMATIC   B/H Photo link 
7- Link to the $20 radio dongle at Amazon with some  details  if  you want 
to join in the  fun too  
8-  Here is the software that  runs it and  give you  panoramic  display on 
screen etc... http://cubicsdr.com/  but   goggle  for  more out there and 
there is a lot.
9- To decode RTTY MMTTY Software is excellent and runs well on the  EMATIC. 
MMTTY SB RTTY Software by JE3HHT  can be found at:  

FINAL POINT -  But... there is a  chance I did not just look  for enough 
and there is a 8 dollar made in  china  cable that  does this? If  so please  
slap be  alongside the head and  link  please?
Thanks  Ed Sharpe  Archivist   for  SMECC

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