[RTTY] Make RTTY Heard duiring Field Day this weekend!

Tim Goeppinger timgep at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 21 18:23:04 EDT 2017

The US/VE Field Day is this weekend, and a lot of Field Day sites will be on digital.   Unfortunately, PSK31 seems to have taken over for the 
digital mode of choice for FD since about 2000, and the rates are painstakingly slow.   I think the ops are about ready to make another bad stepand jump to JT65 for FD.   Nothing wrong with either PSK31 or JT65 on a regular day, but for this contest it is terrible.  PSK31 becomes a sesspoolwith signals all clumped together, with many over-driven signals.
So, why not get some activity on RTTY this weekend?   Lets show the new ops that RTTY is THE digital contesting mode, and that it is fast.Even if  you CQ and "search & pounce" for 1 hour, it will help.   All you need to do is give a 1D and your ARRL section if you are home.  Send 1D DXif you are outside north america.
When I operate the W6ZE digital station this weekend, I will be switching from PSK31 to RTTY.   Please help me show the other op what ispossible on RTTY.
Tnx & 73,
Tim N6GP

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