[RTTY] Make RTTY Heard duiring Field Day this weekend!

Ryan Noguchi ai6do at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 21 22:14:29 EDT 2017

>I'm not a big PSK31 operator -- it's just something I play around with 

now and then -- and I certainly have never contested with it. Or, for 
that matter, I've never even seen a PSK31 contest, so I have no idea how 
they do it.

The PODXS 070 Club runs about one contest a month. The contest calendar can be found at podxs070.com, and these don't always make it to the WA7BNM Contest Calendar.  The contest results are posted live at hamclubs.info/scorer. 

It's a very different experience than a typical RTTY contest. The community of PSK31 contesters is pretty small, so rates are pretty low. During a typical RTTY contest, most every RTTY signal you see is someone participating in the contest. That's definitely not the case with PSK31. Even when I call CQ CONTEST, every 3rd caller just has to send that long brag file, making me want to cry and gouge my eyes out. I find my sanity lasts longer when I just S&P in PSK31 contests. 

The European PSK63 contests are much more orderly and RTTY-like, but those signals don't often make it over the pole well to those of us on the West Coast. 

73, Ryan AI6DO


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