[RTTY] IMPORTANT - RTTY Reflector move to groups.io

Jerry Flanders jeflanders at comcast.net
Mon Mar 19 14:52:26 EDT 2018

Do all of us have to accept the invite and go there to set up? Or is 
it just the digest users?

Jerry W4UK

At 02:49 PM 3/19/2018, Jeff Stai wrote:
>hi all - Given the deliverability issues that we and other lists are
>having, with little prospect of a fix, we're moving the RTTY list.
>(Ironically most of the delivery problems are for digest members, and it's
>likely they won't see this...)
>Pretty soon you will see an invite from list provider groups.io - the
>invite will explain how to set up digest mode and additional sending
>addresses, if you need to.
>(You may also belong to Yahoo-based groups that have done this. groups.io
>has a process to directly move Yahoo groups but not mailman based groups.
>That means we need to use this invite process.)
>groups.io has some really nice features for managing your list
>subscription, even on a thread and message basis. When you get there take a
>moment to check them out.
>We'd like to thank the folks at contesting.com for the generous support
>over the years.
>73 Jim N7US and Jeff WK6I, list admins
>Jeff Stai ~ wk6i.jeff at gmail.com
>Twisted Oak Winery ~ http://www.twistedoak.com/
>Facebook ~ http://www.facebook.com/twistedoak
>RTTY op at W7RN
>RTTY mailing list
>RTTY at contesting.com

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