Craig Gullickson N6ED@geocities.com
Tue, 20 Feb 2001 07:21:32 +0000

Yes, N6ED on CW believe it or not.

15m SOSB with another kick-back, SO1R, mostly F1 operation :)

888 x 98 = 257,250

I was very frustrated at times since there were several times of 15mins
without a single JA QSO during peak opening hours.  I had CT in repeat
mode while I watched the XFL game, Lakers game, and Daytona 500.  Thank
god for good TV programming during these luls.

I can see how bleak the sunspot low is gonna be from W6 in DX contests. 
Looks like I need to go island property shopping!

See you all in SSB!
73, Craig N6ED

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