[SCCC] Forwarded from Paul Gordon n6ll@arrl.net
Will Angenent
Sat, 7 Jul 2001 07:42:43 -0700
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-sccc@contesting.com [mailto:owner-sccc@contesting.com]
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2001 10:43 PM
To: sccc-approval@contesting.com
Subject: BOUNCE sccc@contesting.com : Non-member submission from [Paul
Gordon <n6ll@arrl.net>]
Hi Pit,
Nice to hear from you.
I'm sending your request on to Mike, W4EF, who oversees contesting at
Caltech, and to the Southern California Contest Club. There may be someone
in SCCC who lives closer to San Diego and who would welcome another op.
73, Paul
Pit Schmidt wrote:
> Dear Paul,
> my name is Pit and I hold KU6I and DK3WE as call signs. I'm working now
> at UCSD here in San Diego as a post doc coming from CERN (Geneva).
> Unfortunately there is no strong club station here at the university nor
> in the surrounding to do my favourite thing contesting. From the results
> of the last years contests it seems that there is a lot of contest
> interest in your club. So I wonder if someone is taking part on the IARU
> contest next week and if so if it would be possible to join for that
> event? I'm contesting since several years mainly as part of a contest
> teams. I operated for instance 4U1ITU, PI4COM... And best contesting is
> team contesting. I'm looking forward to hear from you.
> 73 de Pit
> -----------------------------
> Pit Schmidt (KU6I, DK3WE)
> e-mail: pitschm@physics.ucsd.edu
> work: UCSD Physics Dept,
> 9500 Gilman Drive
> La Jolla, CA 92093
> Telephone: 858-534-6569
> Facsimile: 858-534-3501
> private: 4160 Via Candidiz, #200, San Diego, CA92130, tel: 858-523-0920
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Date: Fri, 06 Jul 2001 18:38:26 -0700
From: Pit Schmidt <Pit.Schmidt@physics.ucsd.edu>
Subject: Question from UCSD
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Dear Paul,
my name is Pit and I hold KU6I and DK3WE as call signs. I'm working now
at UCSD here in San Diego as a post doc coming from CERN (Geneva).
Unfortunately there is no strong club station here at the university nor
in the surrounding to do my favourite thing contesting. From the results
of the last years contests it seems that there is a lot of contest
interest in your club. So I wonder if someone is taking part on the IARU
contest next week and if so if it would be possible to join for that
event? I'm contesting since several years mainly as part of a contest
teams. I operated for instance 4U1ITU, PI4COM... And best contesting is
team contesting. I'm looking forward to hear from you.
73 de Pit
Pit Schmidt (KU6I, DK3WE)
e-mail: pitschm@physics.ucsd.edu
work: UCSD Physics Dept,
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA 92093
Telephone: 858-534-6569
Facsimile: 858-534-3501
private: 4160 Via Candidiz, #200, San Diego, CA92130, tel: 858-523-0920
SCCC on the Web: http://sccc.contesting.com/
Submissions: sccc@contesting.com
Administrative requests: sccc-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems: owner-sccc@contesting.com