[SCCC] AV "Swap meet" Anchors Away

Will Angenent k6ndv@contesting.com
Wed, 18 Jul 2001 18:14:06 -0700

Anchors Away! (Boat Anchors, that is)
The Antelope Valley Amateur Radio Club invites all to participate in our
"Anchors Away" meeting in August. Our 23 August meeting features a chance to
sell and buy ham radio related equipment. Clean out your shack and bring
something to Lancaster to sell, or stop by to see if you can find what you
have been looking for.

Our meetings are at the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) at the north
entrance to Lancaster City Hall, 44933 N. Fern Street, in Lancaster. Talk-in
is on 146.73 (-), 100 Hz pl. The meeting starts at 7:30 p.m., with
socializing & setup starting at 7:00 p.m. No business meeting is planned -
just stop by to sell or buy. The city parking lot is very close, so you
could leave heavy items in your vehicle. You can leave as early as you wish.

Check out our 8 p.m. Wed nite net on the WB6VVV repeater (talk-in freq

Vern KØLVS/6
Board Member - Antelope Valley Amateur Radio Club

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Submissions:              sccc@contesting.com
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