[SCCC] Win a Complete Amateur Radio Station?
Herb Rosenberg
Sun, 14 Apr 2002 05:12:51 +0000
How would you like to win a Complete Amateur Radio Station?
Interested? Well, if you come to the International DX Convention in
Visalia, CA on Friday - Sunday, April 26-28, 2002, and you buy enough
raffle tickets, and you are very very lucky.....
You could walk out with all of this....... (a complete custom dream
station, and more..... )
For a HF radio,
How about an ICOM 706MKII, Alinco DX77, Kenwood TS2000, and Yaesu
FT1000MP Mark V HF transceivers?
For HF Antennas,
How about a Force 12 XR5 Beam, M2 KT36XA Beam, Cushcraft AW3S, Fulid
Motion SteppIR Dipole, World Radio ZX20 Beam, and Butternut HV2
For Cabling,
How about 125 feet of National Wire & Cable premium rotor and coaxial
For a Tower,
How about a US Tower TX-455 (yes, the whole tower)
For a microphone,
How about a Heil Goldline Microphone & and Heil Proset Head Set and a
Limited Edition Astatic D-104 Collector's microphone?
For a Key,
How about a Bencher BY-1 Keyer and a Idiom Press LogiKey Iambic Keyer
For Station Accessories,
How about a AOR Multi terminal PSK, RTTY, decoder, Daiwa Watt Meters, a
HAL DPX38 RTTY Demodulator, ClearSpeech speakers, DXer Dream Clocks, and
Coffee Mugs?
Oh, yeah, and don't forget about,
AEA HF Antenna Analyser, Astron RS35m power supplies, W2IHY 8 Band Audio
Equalizer, SGC Stealth Antenna System, and a complete Polyphaser
Grounding System?
And of course, for all of these radios and antennas, you will need,
Top Ten Devices, International Radio Filters, and Array Solutions
antenna switches,
For your Neighbors,
How about some low pass filters, phone filters, and ear muffs?
For your YL and / or XYL, you will have to have,
Wild Women Pins and collectibles
For Miscellaneous Stuff, that no shack is complete without,
How about a few thousand pre-printed deluxe QSL cards, Collector item
ARRL Operating Manual, Collector Item ARRL Antenna Book, and a wide
assortment of other books, cd's, and publications?
For Callbooks,
How about your choice of CDROM Callbooks from Buckmaster and Radio
Amateur Callbooks?
For Logging and Contesting,
How about logging and contest software from DX4WIN, Writelog, NA, EQF
Software, LOGic 5, MiLog, and others?
For HF Mobile Operating,
How about mobile antenna products from HI-Q Antennas, K6MB, W6AAQ, KJ7U,
and others?
How about deep deep discount certificates on the purchase of ACOM,
ALPHA, and Henry Radio Amplifiers & Tri-ex towers?
For your Reading Pleasure,
How about a life time subscription to World Radio Magazine, and 1 year
subscriptions to CQ Magazine, Popular Communications, DX Magazine, QRZ
DX, Daily DX, Weekly DX, Low Band Monitor, RTY Journal, and the K1BV
Awards Directories?
For VHF / UHF,
How about some VHF / UHF / FRS handheld radios?
For Gift Certificates,
How about gift certificates to Amateur Electronic Supply - Las Vegas,
The Wireman, Idiom Press, Peter Dahl Co, and Elecraft?
Interested? Well, come to the International DX Convention, and you may
just walk out with all of this stuff, and more.
For details, check our web site at:
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