[SCCC] a cool thing by Tree
Fri, 29 Mar 2002 00:59:07 EST
This television piece was put together by Alan Kaul, W6RCL, who's a senior
producer at NBC News, and barring some hot news story which might bump it, it
should be on your local NBC station Saturday evening -- whenever they
broadcast the Network news. Keep your fingers crossed. FYI, Alan also put
together the Kid's Day piece which ran 15 months ago, on New Years Day 2001,
on NBC News. 73, Dave, W6AQ
In a message dated 3/28/02 12:38:21 PM Pacific Standard Time, k6na@cts.com
> Some of you know this already, but Tree N6TR has done a very good thing
> recently. He arranged a schedule for contact between a local school (his
> daughter's I think) and the Space Station. This was done under the
> auspices of the Boring (OR) ARC and the K7RAT club call, and the contact
> with NA1SS was successful. There was media coverage and taping.
> Now we have learned the following. The K7RAT-NA1SS QSO is now scheduled to
> run as the show closer on Saturday's Weekend Nightly News on NBC. It is
> not guaranteed but looks very likely, apparently.
> So, in between your WPX contacts this weekend, take a look at the news
> show. Maybe there's a new contester or two in the school group. Get your
> own kids to watch it, too.
> Glenn K6NA
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