[SCCC] Article on VY1JA in this weeks ARRL Letter
Art W6KY
Wed, 30 Oct 2002 22:40:09 -0800 (PST)
* VY1JA to be on the air from Yukon Territory for both Sweepstakes
weekends: J Allen, VY1JA, in Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, is in his new
house and will be active for both November ARRL Sweepstakes weekends
and SSB) as his schedule permits to hand out that rare SS multiplier
(Yukon Territory counts for the NWT multiplier). "I plan to put in a
serious effort on each, but I take time for Tae Kwon Do and for church,
I miss some of the best time of the contest," he said. For the lower
bands, he'll be running 500 W to a "V-beam" dipole (450 feet per leg);
the higher bands, he hopes to have a tribander up on his tower by
time, if the weather cooperates. QRP ops take note: VY1JA does listen
SS participants in the QRP (5 W or less output) category every hour on
half hour. Other times, VY1JA has been active on 6 meters running low
power. CW SS is November 2-4; SSB SS is November 16-18 (UTC). For more
information on ARRL November Sweepstakes, visit the 2002 ARRL November
Sweepstakes Rules page
Art / W6KY
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