[SCCC] Orange county radio pickup help

Ray jbenny at rain.org
Fri Dec 26 10:52:58 EST 2003


Tmw is the SCCC meeting at the QTH of N6AA, I plan to attend.

I need help from someone who lives in Orange county and would be willing 
to pick up my TS940S radio from John, N6AX and bring it to the SCCC 
meeting. N6AX lives near the 57 & Chapman in Placentia. I can give 

Any help would be appreciated. This would save me a 2 1/2 hr drive 
there, and a 1 1/2 hr return drive to the SCCC meeting. I live in the 
Ojai Valley, Ventura County.

Thanks & HNY,

Ray, N6VR

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