[SCCC] Simple Logging program needed
Art W6KY
Fri, 10 Jan 2003 21:56:58 -0800 (PST)
Ray, NA has a neat "Contest" called NA Logger w/Countries...
This will log Calls, Band, Ability to change RST's, Comments(Like name), Mode
and date/time....Check it out..
73, Art W6KY
Jessica Benny <jbenny@rain.org> wrote:Hello,
I'm going on an IOTA expedition soon and would like to computer log
using my old 486 laptop. Since I am familiar with NA, I'd like to use it
to do this logging. All I really want to record is the callsign, and be
able to change the RST. Date, time, freq and mode are all ready there.
My questions, is there a .CRT file all ready built that I can use/load
for this format? I have never gone beyond the standard contests in NA so
I'd like some suggestions or help.
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