[SCCC] NAQP SSB Team Scores

Doug Brandon n6rt at arrl.net
Thu Jan 23 08:23:12 EST 2003

Great job by all!  I'll be putting together teams for the SSB & CW Sprint contests in a few weeks, so stay tuned...

   73 de Doug, N6RT

Team: SCCC #1
N6MJ            420,878
W6EEN(N6RT)     364,750
K6LL            307,920
K6RO            234,568
K6AM            176,985

Team: SCCC #2
W7WW            250,638
AA6PW           197,220
N6KI            198,230
N6ED             50,625
W6KY             50,279

Team: SCCC #3
K6LA            137,616
W6KK            106,917
K6EY             42,051
N6TW             15,936
K6ZCL             7,067

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