[SCCC] Los Angeles California - Conditional Use Permit

Bruce Horn bhorn at hornucopia.com
Tue Mar 18 20:48:04 EST 2003

Hi Ken/Mike,

At 08:18 PM 3/18/2003 -0800, Ken Widelitz wrote:
>45' and under you can put up without a CUP. Over 45' up to 70' you can get
>neighbors whose property is contiguous to yours (including across the street
>even with your property line) to sign off and you don't need a public
>hearing. If they won't sign off you need a public hearing but only need give
>notice to those neighbors. If you want more than 70' you must notify
>property owners within 500' of the hearing.

Regarding the City of Los Angeles:
Not exactly. Over 45 feet requires a variance. The variance process 
requires notification of your neighbors whose property is contiguous with 
yours (as Ken indicated). This is true regardless of the height over 45 
feet. There was no requirement in 1993 to notify neighbors within 500 feet 
if your planned tower exceeded 70 feet.

Even if all of your neighbors sign off on your proposed tower, you may 
still be required to go through a public hearing -- it's up to the planner 
handling your request.

Ken was #1 through the process, and I was #2. My variance request was for 
an 89-foot crank-up with 18 feet of mast out of the top. I had the 
signatures of 7 of my 8 contiguous neighbors (the 8th was a recluse who 
didn't answer her door). I almost avoided a public hearing, but the 
planning staff figured out to add 89 + 18 = 107 feet and became alarmed. I 
had a public hearing with the hearing officer and myself the only 
attendees. After 7 months of process, I had my approval -- but I wouldn't 
want to have to do it again.

73 de Bruce, WA7BNM   (bhorn at hornucopia.com)

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