[SCCC] KFI Tour! November 8th, 2003
Dino Darling
k6rix at earthlink.net
Mon Nov 3 14:55:10 EST 2003
This is a reminder that the KFI tour is THIS Saturday at 10:00am. If you
have NOT purchased a ticket yet, you need to! Please do NOT mail your
money this week. If you want a ticket, let Bob know (info is BELOW!!!) and
bring your money with you on Saturday.
You can also pick your ticket up on Tuesday at the WARA Club meeting in
Anaheim (http://www.qsl.net/wara/meetings.html). We have a private meeting
room at the Corporate Carl's Jr. on Harbor at the 91 FWY. The meeting
starts at 7:30. Come by and get some food, pick up your ticket, and stick
around for our club meeting! Its ALL YOU CAN DRINK TOO! Talk in is on
145.400- (103.5)
Please let everyone you know about this tour! We would like to have a good
showing for our hosts! We also need to know how much food to order! Thanks!!!
- [Original Message] -
Hello Folks, the tour is BACK ON!!!! Please get this out to your clubs
ASAP! I would have liked to have more time, but this opportunity opened
and we had to take it!
November 8th is PERFECT for most people as it misses both Sweepstakes
Weekends! This is an OPEN invitation for the first 75 people! Be sure to
ask your friends!
My name is Dino and I'm the President of the Western Amateur Radio
Association. This is an open invitation to ALL clubs and their
friends. Please let your club know! RSVP info is at the end of this e-mail!
The Western Amateur Radio Association is hosting a tour of the KFI
Transmitter Facility in La Mirada, CA on November 8th, 2003.
You have been officially invited to participate on this rare tour. I must
point out that this tour is LIMITED to the first 75 people who purchase a
ticket! Here are the details...
When: November 8th, 2003; 10:00AM to 1:00PM
Where: KFI Transmitter Facility
16608 Trojan Way
La Mirada, CA 90638
Talk In: 145.400- (pl 103.5)
Parking: Park in the Viking Parking lot anywhere
around the base of the 250' tower. There
are 74 spaces and I'll be directing traffic.
Capacity: 75 Guests (3 groups of 25)
Lunch: Blake's Place BBQ, Anaheim, CA
Chopped Beef Brisket Sandwiches
Baked Beans
Potato Salad
Water and Soda
Raffle: Yaesu VX-7 (6 meter, 2 meter, 220, and 440)
Cost: $20.00/person (incudes tour, lunch, raffle)
Tour Guides: 3 (one per group)
Group 1: Transmitters (Harris and Continental); 50KW terminator;
6" hardline; switch box, generators and power distribution
Group 2: Base/tuner of main 750' tower
Group 3: Main Guy Wire Enclosure and Base of 250' aux tower
What to bring: A chair to sit on for lunch!
Drinking water for the tour; we will be outside most of
the time.
Everyone shows up around 10:00am. After a safety meeting, tours start at
10:30. We rotate every 30 minutes. Lunch is at 12:00 noon. We get to
eat, hang out and talk, ask questions, and walk through the transmitter
building until 12:45. At 12:50 we have the raffle and kick everyone out at
Blake's Place in Anaheim will prepare the food and I'll have Jackie (my
wife) deliver it to the site. We will be serving the guests and there
should be enough for seconds (or thirds).
RSVP Info:
Please send your check AND a SASE for ticket delivery to,
Bob Harrington, AA6PW
6782 Vanguard Ave.
Garden Grove, CA 92645
bharring7 at aol.com
Please include your callsign and e-mail address with your check so I can
keep everyone who is going up to date! Everyone will get a NEW ticket! It
will be a different color from the original one!!! Please put down your
CORRECT phone numbers and e-mail address!!!
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