Dennis Vernacchia n6ki_73 at earthlink.net
Mon Oct 6 13:31:53 EDT 2003

Put together a MS training session for 1 new guy and 2 aspiring guys

Station had been off the air for past 6 months

Lots of RFI computer lockup probs in shack
so Murphy was waiting in the wing as usual

13.5 hours

Band		CW Qs		SSB Qs

80		16		64
40		29		69
20		62		240
15		140		352
10		28		1

974 X 57 =  126,711  ( Skunked on Utah)

Ops - KM6XA, KB5MU, NN6X, AD5FS, N6KI ( cracking the whip! )

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