Fwd: [SCCC] 2004 Field Day Invitation...!

Dino Darling k6rix at earthlink.net
Tue Feb 10 15:35:05 EST 2004

I'm going to throw this out there just one more time.  Our first Field Day 
Meeting is March 19th in Garden Grove.

If you or your club would like to participate in Field Day in some 
capacity, please contact me!  You can go online to see the scores for N6ME 
over the last 7+ years to see that we are serious about Field Day.  What we 
do need is a few more warm bodies that are willing to take a shift of 
1-hour to ? !!!  A lot of clubs don't do Field Day anymore because they 
don't have enough participants to put one together.  Maybe YOUR club would 
like to sign up for a 40 CW or 15/40 Phone station (as an example).  We 
already have the place, the power, and the FOOD!

Thanks for allowing me to post this one last time. 73!

>>The Western Amateur Radio Association is VERY active with Field Day!  A 
>>few familiar names who show up every year (unless they run off to Puerto 
>>Rico/Cuba/New Zealand) are...
>>Bob Harrington  AA6PW
>>Dan Craig  N6MJ
>>Chip Margelli  K7JA
>>Janet Margelli KL7MF
>>Wes  Printz W3SE
>>Bob Farrow  N6OPR
>>Bill Scholtz W1HIJ (klmnopqrstuvwxyz....sorry!)
>>Dan Dankert  N6PEQ
>>Dan Violette
>>(I know I'm missing a few!)
>>...and many others who you might not know.
>>We try to turn out a quality field day and would also like to extend an 
>>invitation to come out and play radio.  The field day site is located at 
>>the Walter Knott School just behind Knott's Berry Farm.  We are so close 
>>to Knott's, you can hear the screams!  Some years we win and even hold a 
>>record for 8A.  We always place at least in the top 5 for our class.  We 
>>start having meetings in March or so and are always in need of a few good 
>>operators.  Depending on participation, we decide as a group which class 
>>we will run in.  4A to 8A is the norm.  There is also a place for 
>>everyone whether you want to set up/tear down or just have enough time to 
>>put a few hours under your belt.  The plan for this year is to have a 
>>full chuck wagon as we have done in the past serving dinner, breakfast 
>>and "mid-rats".  Snacks and drinks all day long too!
>>I will be putting together an e-mail list for WARA Field Day 2K4.  If you 
>>are local and interested in participating, send an e-mail to 
>>"k6rix at earthlink.net" and I'll put you on the list!
>>To check out a previous year's event, go here...
>>Thanks a lot!
>Dino...k6rix at earthlink.net 

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