[SCCC] DXSpider Chat Command

Bill Shell - N6WS n6ws at charter.net
Wed May 5 23:43:24 EDT 2004

Hello SCCC Members,

The SCCC members that are connected to DXSpider nodes can use the CHAT
command to chat with other SCCC members.  To use the chat feature of a
DXSpider node, you must join the SCCC chat channel.  Issuing the JOIN SCCC
command allows you to receive and send chat messages to others that have
joined the SCCC chat channel.  To send a chat message use the command CHAT
SCCC <text>.  CHAT text propagates worldwide, but your receipt of chat
messages is limited by the default filters imposed by your sysop.  Most of
the SoCal nodes are restricted to DX, ANN, and CHAT that originates in North
America.  If you would like to participate in a worldwide chat, you can
check into any of the DXSpider nodes having worldwide spots.

CHAT <group> <text> Chat or Conference to a group
JOIN <group> Join a chat or conference group
LEAVE <group> Leave a chat or conference group
SHOW/CHAT [<group>] [<lines>] Show any chat or conferencing
SHOW/GROUPS List of active chat channels and number of recent messages.

You can join several other existing chat groups if you are interested in
IOTA, FOC, RTTY, TROPO, or CA.  Any user can create their own chat channel
simply by using the JOIN command for a new group, i.e. SCDXC, NCDXC, NCCC,
DX, QRP, etc.

To view a membership list of chat groups you have joined, use the command:

STAT/USER <callsign>

There is on-line help available if you forget the commands.  If you use the


Users of the following SoCal DXSpider nodes have the CHAT feature:
K6EXO  NA  telnet://k6exo.dyndns.org:7300
N6ND-2  NA
N6WS-6  Worldwide  telnet://n6ws.dyndns.org:7300
W6KK  NA  telnet://w6kk.zapto.org:7300
W6RFU  NA  telnet://
W6TK-6  NA  telnet://n6ws.dyndns.org:8000

The W6TK-6 node has the JOIN, CHAT, LEAVE, SHOW/CHAT commands, but the
SHOW/CHATGROUPS will be added after an upgrade in the near future.

This feature has been available for just over a year, but its existence has
not been communicated well to the DX cluster users.  Please enjoy the use of
this feature.

73, Bill

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