[SCCC] W6JPL (W4EF) Sept 2004 CW Sprint Results

Michael Tope W4EF at dellroy.com
Sun Sep 12 17:32:48 EDT 2004

                              SPRINT SUMMARY SHEET

     Contest Date : 12-Sep-04

    Callsign Used : W6JPL
           Station: W6VIO 
         Operator : W4EF

         Category : SOHP

 Default Exchange : # MIKE CA

             Name : Michael C. Tope
          Address : 11018 Cardamine Drive
   City/State/Zip : Tujunga, Ca 91042
          Country : United States

        Team/Club : SCCC #1

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   Countries   Time

   80CW       41          41         41       0         0      00:32
   40CW      120         120        120       0         1      01:45
   20CW      129         129        129      44         0      01:42

 Totals      290         290        290      44         1      03:59

    Final Score = 13050 points.

  HOUR   80CW    40CW    20CW    TOTAL   ACCUM
  ----  ------  ------  ------   -----   -----
    0       0       0      83      83      83
    1       0      23      42      65     148
    2       0      72       4      76     224
    3      41      25       0      66     290

  TOTAL    41     120     129  

Rig: Yaesu FT1000D
Amp: Ameritron AL-82
Software: TRlog 6.78

20: TH7DX at 60'
40: Cushcraft 2EL 40 at 70'
80: Inverted-Vee at 50'
    K9AY Loops for RX
    Delta Loop at 60'

First hour was okay, but I couldn't sustain the 
momentum into hour 2. Seemed like I got beat up 
pretty bad when I first went to 40m, so I went 
back to 20m for a while before heading to 40m
for a 2nd try where things seemed to pick-up a 
bit. Thought the new 80 meter "cloud burner" 
inverted-vee would help with the close-in stuff, 
but between the static crashes and the lackluster 
West Coast activity I didn't do as well as I had 
hoped on 80m. On the plus side, I didn't feel as 
flustered as I have in some past runnings, but I 
am wondering if I was being too patient and 
methodical for my own good this time. I sat and 
waited out a number of full 2x exchanges, rather 
than hunting for someone who was just finishing 
or CQing figuring a QSO in the hand is better 
than two in the bush. Heard but did not work KY 
(K4FXN) and VE1 (VE9DX). 

Nice to hear the many familiar callsigns.

73 de Mike, W4EF........................................

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