[SCCC] Convention in Riverside

Becky K6EY k6ey at hotmail.com
Sun Jan 9 23:52:53 EST 2005

Hello guys...

The committee for programs for the ARRL Riverside convention coming this 
September 9th through the 11th has asked me to find someone who would be 
willing to give a talk about contesting. This is a great opportunity to 
light the fire for some new contesters!
I hope that one (or more!!) of us will step forward and volunteer to do 
this...please contact me asap at...

k6ey at verizon.net
k6ey at hotmail.com
(909) 465-9217 home
(909) 815-4877 cell

If you have another area of interest/expertise for a seminar....please let 
me know as they have several slots to fill...


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