Dennis Vernacchia n6ki_73 at earthlink.net
Fri Jul 15 06:05:02 EDT 2005

   IARU HF Championship -- 2005

       Call:      N6KI
       Category:  Multi Single
       OPs:       N6KI, WB6NBU, NF6V, KG6RCW, KF6HCL, KG6TUK
       Power:     High Power
       Band:      All Band
       Mode:      Mixed Mode
       OP TIME:   13 HOURS


       160        2        2     1.00      0      2
        80       21       45     2.14      5      1
        40      104      272     2.62     11      3
        20      413     1127     2.73     19     11
        15       55      147     2.67     11      5
        10        6       14     2.33      3      0

      Totals    601     1607     2.67     49     22

                  Score: 114,097 points

Took the opportunity to put a few hours in and invite some
new operators over and give them some time in the chair.

KG6RCW, Tom and KG6TUK, Sara, both experienced their baptism of fire
as they had never done HF contesting. They totally enjoyed the SSB operating
experience and will be back for future training and experience at N6KI
and NX6T - San Diego Contest Club

WB6NBU, Bob,  has been away from contesting for several years and
put in a good CW performance from the 5 A.M. start for 6 hours.

NF6V, Steve, who helped out the San Diego DX Club at their W6PT Field Day
is well on his way to becoming a good contest Op for CW and SSB

KF6HCL, Michael, had played in only a few contests before this one
and continues to sharpen his SSB Operating skills

73, Dennis N6KI

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