[SCCC] CQWW, no rotaries, 100W

Art k6xt at arrl.net
Sat Nov 26 14:30:42 EST 2005

re WN6K comment to K1USC below, I'm taking a food break in my second
CQWW running but 100W (QRP to me) and no rotary antennas. Just a Gap
titan, a off center fed dipole up 55 ft, and a full size 80M ground
plane. It is very interesting that the only band I seem competitive is
where I have the full size ant..80. Some pileups are crackable. The rest
of the bands I get squashed like a bug including by WN6K, successful
only when nobody else is calling.

-As Paul says, working down from the top of the band works. Heck, it
works with big ants and power too.
-Call a bit off freq. The middle is where all Paul's 'bigger than you'se
-Pick winnable battles. Not much future in joining a huge pile like I
usta. That DX station will go begging later - we hope.
-Change bands a lot.
-Run SO2R. SO3R. Whatever. QRP and modest antennas, there's plenty of
time to keep two radios busy in the pileups.

I'm having my first contest running a K2/100. Very fun radio but oh,
those multilayer menus, some learning curve here. Nice receiver.

73, Art, also USC alum

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Sent: Friday, November 25, 2005 10:00 AM
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Subject: SCCC Digest, Vol 35, Issue 18

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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: CQWW CW contest, working on my DXCC, any tips? (Tony Ruiz)
   2. Re: SCCC Digest, Vol 35, Issue 17 (Paul Dorey)


Message: 2
Date: Fri, 25 Nov 2005 03:47:44 -0000
From: "Paul Dorey" <WN6K at cts.com>
Subject: Re: [SCCC] SCCC Digest, Vol 35, Issue 17
To: <sccc at contesting.com>
Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="us-ascii"


Another little tip that I found in contests is that I can sometimes work
from the top end of the band down instead of from the bottom up.  You
tend to run into smaller pileups and I can't tell you how many times I
have (running only 100 watts here) fought my way for an inordinate
amount of time in a pileup, given up and lo and behold there just up the
band above the pileup was a caller from the same multiplier I was trying
to snag earlier and not getting many takers either.

Dad said don't pick fights with someone bigger than you...

WN6K, Paul


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End of SCCC Digest, Vol 35, Issue 18

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