[SCCC] Nice 55 ft Tubular Tower/Antenna System 4 sale

N6KI Dennis Vernacchia n6ki_73 at sbcglobal.net
Tue Aug 1 00:15:56 EDT 2006

Received this info from a ham in the Escondido area

I have NO pecuniary interest in the matter

73, Dennis N6KI
Sandy Eggo

Hi Dennis,

Our friend Ed Ross suggested I let you know about the tower and antenna 
system I
will be selling from the former QTH in Escondido.  Perhaps you know of someone
looking for something like this.

It was installed by Ed around 2002 and has been unused for the past 1-1/2 
as we have moved into a motorhome fulltime.  We plan to sell the house before
year-end, so the tower has to go.

It's a US Tower MA-550 55' monopole (3-sections) on the rotor base (3 to 
additional height) with a Yaesu 1000DXA  at the bottom (rotating tower).
Included is the lowering fixture.  On top is a Force 12 C3 (full-size) and
Diamond (or Comet, I don't remember) 7.5 dB UHF/VHF omni.  Have about 100' of
3/8" hardline, rotor cable and a couple of runs of 9913 coax as well.  A
fabricated locking sheet metal enclosure for the rotor base goes along as the
system is in the front yard and I wanted to secure the rotor.

All are in great shape (inland installation) and could be removed by Ed or a
3-person crew and transported if needed.  Stuff would cost well over $4K
today...I'm looking for around $2K but will consider all reasonable offers.

I should have pictures soon if there's an interested party and will be 
happy to
show it as needed.  Thanks for your consideration.


Roger Gagos, K6EQ
mailto:k6eq at arrl.net
ex-AA6I, KH6RG, yadda, yadda....

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