W6ph at aol.com W6ph at aol.com
Wed Mar 8 11:11:00 EST 2006

Bottom line:  3 Meg

VP9/W6PH  Bermuda  SOABLP

160M      265     47
 80M       577    53
 40M       865    57
 20M      1794   60
 15M       461    42
 10M       Zero

Total     3962   259       TOTAL SCORE:   3,078,474       (39.4 hours)

Club:  YCCC

Rig:  IC-7000  CT 9.57

Antennas:    20-15M  A4S at 20 feet
                  40M       Dipole at 30 feet
                  80M       G5RV at 30 feet
                 160M      Inverted L (great antenna)


1.  Never heard a single peep on 10M.  
2.  RF blackout on 15M east of the Mississippi River except for a few ESP 
3.  Being spotted as VP9/W6PM in the last hour on 40M.  You sure can tell who 
     on the spotting network.  There must have been at least 20 stations call 
me as
     duplicates.  It also shows the cretin behavior of those who don't listen 
to call 
     signs.  I signed my call sign a lot.  I can only remember one  "What's 
     call?"   I don't log duplicate contacts unless there is a certainty that 
there was 
     no previous contact.  This is a holdover from the days when you were 
     for duplicate contacts and I can't change that mindset.  ("Stubborn 
German is
4.  Bermuda is not the Caribbean.  The propagation is similar to the 
     I don't have the openings that Caribbean stations have.


1.  With respect to #5 above, I have fantastic propagation on 160M and 75M.  
     Great runs on those bands.  But it doesn't make up for the loss of mults
     on 15M and 10M.  Each mult was worth about 11 QSOs.
2.  No Murphy's.  Everything worked well.  
3.  I really like the IC-7000 with its built-in voice keyer.  It is a perfect 
rig for 
4.  The great hospitality of Ed Kelly, VP9GE.  Anyone who has been there
     will agree with this.

I enjoyed the calls from the SCCC crowd.  I think Dick, W6TK, takes honors 
for being in my log for 4 bands.  N6AA made 3 bands, down from 6 bands last 
year.  I'm trying to figure a way to get to Arnie's next weekend.

                                                      73, Kurt, W6PH/1

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