[SCCC] Portable Five?

N6OO - Tony n6oo at charter.net
Mon Oct 16 16:25:45 EDT 2006

I attended the SS clinic last weekend & I want to say thanks for all the great information. It is helpful to a newer contester like myself.  

During CQWW SSB I will be traveling down to Mission, Texas. The South East portion of the state near by Harlingen & South Padre. There is a family wedding that will likely prevent me from operating for much of the contest. In addition, I will be too far away for my score to contribute to the SCCC total. But I might have some opportunities here & there to get on the air. 

I'll be flying out there on Southwest airlines & am still debating if I should bring my radio to do some Portable 5 operations. 
On one hand, I'll likely be preoccupied during most of the contest. I am also 
not certain how much hassle it will be bringing along ham radio gear onto an 
airplane. If it is checked baggage, I'm worried it might be bumped around too much. If it is carry on, I wonder if it will be a major hassle getting through security.

On the other hand, it is an appealing thought to be able to try and catch some new DX from that part of the country. A different path from near the Gulf of Mexico might help add to my DXCC counts.   Maybe I'll be able to contact a few new ones I might not otherwise be able to work from the west coast. 

Any thoughts, airline traveling experiences or suggestions will be appreciated. 73

de N6OO


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