[SCCC] N6OX 160 Mtr Antenna for Upcoming Dx-pedition - HELP !

Dennis Vernacchia n6ki73 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 12 02:13:59 EST 2007

Bob, N6OX, asked me to post this query for help testing
a 160 mtr antenna he intends to take on upcoming
Clipperton and possibly other expeditions.
( Bob's e-mail is still down due to fires that took out
his DSL/Cable in his area )

Bob is looking for someone who is going to work the CQWW SSB
contest and has some real estate that woudl accomodate launching a
160 mtr, 1/4 wave vertical wire ( 120 ft approx ) suspended by a
Helium filled Blimp
( Using a small Blimp with stabilizing fins as opposed to a ballon
as it will tend to stay more verticle with any winds (so I've been told )

Bob would be willing to drive to anyone's So Cal QTH a day or two before
start of contest to get the antenna ready for someone to use during the
contest so he can then prove it does work and kit if future expedition
rather than
just taking pot luck chance of setting it up first time on expedition.
( Bob has the helium tanks to fill it )

Please respond to Bob N6OX 949 573-1070 and e-mail me,  so I know whether to
caw of the dawgs in looking for help for him

73, Dennis N6KI
Sandy Eggo

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