WN6K - Paul Dorey WN6K at sbcglobal.net
Mon Dec 1 01:08:32 EST 2008

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW


Call: WN6K

Operator(s): WN6K

Station: WN6K


Class: SOAB(A) LP


Operating Time (hrs): 12:16



 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries


  160:    0     0        0

   80:    4     3        2

   40:   32    12       13

   20:  233    28       57

   15:   14    11       10

   10:    0     0        0


Total:  283    54       86  Total Score = 105,980


Club: Southern California Contest Club




Since I figured that my time was going to be limited, I thought that I would
experiment with using 'assisted' to see if I would find more countries and
zones than my normal limited searching and pouncing.  Well that did not
prove all so much as the conditions were very limiting... maybe were there
super conditions then Assisted would have been much more productive.


Good run on Sunday morning of lots of Euros... but it did seem to peter out
here fast.


I made a couple of trips over to my buddy Wild Bill's (WB6BFG) to see how he
was doing and assisted mid-contest with putting up a TH7 antenna on the roof
of his shed which quadrupled his effort and produced loads of fun for him.
With an improvement on the high bands for him, I had to dash back and forth
to my house just to keep 'catching up to Wild Bill'... sometimes its a 'good
thing' to help new contesters...


15m was very disappointing ... we may be in the new cycle but only just
dipping our collective toes in as far as I can tell...


Highlight: Getting called by JW1CCA amidst the mini JA run I had on Sunday
afternoon...first thinking that I had miscopied the call but pleased when he
sent zone 40, new zone new country Priceless


WN6K. Paul



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