[SCCC] Dee Hiller XYL of Harv K6QK ( SK ) ...Comments

Dennis Vernacchia n6ki73 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 24 21:20:33 EST 2008

This mail was sent to Tuck NZ6T who put together the SDDXC
writeup on harvs by his friends

Dee's response

*Dear Tuck,*

* *

*I just checked Harv's email and found your message regarding the *

*bulletin you just circulated in his memory.*

* *

*I want to thank you for rounding up all these articles and putting them *

*together in such a professional manner.  I have printed out my own copy *

*and will treasure it always.  Please forward my thanks to those who *

*contributed, they all brought back many memories of Harv's activities *

*over the years.  Inasmuch as I wasn't the least bit interested in ham *

*radio, it seemed to be what has driven him for so long, given him so *

*much pleasure and brought out so much talent from him.  As the years *

*passed, his knowledge and expertise seemed to grow  exponentially.*

* *

*I will be forwarding this bulletin to Harv's non-ham friends and to his *

*family.  I think it will help them to understand what a special guy he *

*was and what drove him.*

* *

*Thank you again for such a special bulletin.*

* *

*Best regards,*

* *

*Dee Hiller*

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