[SCCC] Fw: [NCCC] Radios For Sale

n6tj at sbcglobal.net n6tj at sbcglobal.net
Mon Sep 1 20:57:27 EDT 2008


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jim Brown K9YC" <k9yc at audiosystemsgroup.com>
To: "NCCC" <nccc at contesting.com>; "NCDXC Discussion List" <chat at ncdxc.org>
Sent: Monday, September 01, 2008 1:29 PM
Subject: [NCCC] Radios For Sale

> Now that I have two K3s on my operating desk, I need to sell some
> other very good radios to pay for them. The following are all
> loaded with all the filters and options a contester and/or DXer
> could want, and all are in great condition.
> Two FT1000MPs. Both are loaded with CW and SSB filters, the Inrad
> roofing filter, and the Inrad key click mod. One of them has 2 kHz
> Yaesu SSB filters, the other has Inrad 1.8 kHz filters. Both have
> Inrad CW filters. Both have Inrad CW filters in the second RX.
> One Kenwood TS850SAT, also loaded with filters. I've done N6TR's
> mod to add an RX antenna input, but without drilling holes -- the
> connectors are RCAs that I've shoehorned into the cutout for a
> Molex that supports the outboard AT300. That Molex is still wired,
> and can be put back in its cutout in a few seconds.
> One Icom 746 (I have two). They have narrow Inrad filters for both
> CW and SSB. This is a very nice radio for CW and SSB on 6M and 2M,
> but I can't work 2M on this side of the mountain!
> One K2/100 with all the options except the XV/60M interface. It
> has the KAT100 in the separate enclosure that sits under the
> radio, the KNB2, the KSB2, the K160, and KDSP2. This was my
> primary CW contesting radio when I lived in Chicago. I have a
> second K2/100, also loaded, which I'm not selling.
> One TenTec Omni V, loaded with CW filters, and with the N4PY mod.
> One Ten Tec Hercules I 500W Solid State Amp.  This is the original
> Hercules, and it works very well -- BUT it's output devices have
> been long discontinued and unavailable for at least 25 years
> (which is why there's a Hercules II).
> You may contact me by telephone (831/454/0247) or email. I can
> ship any of these radios, but NOT the power amp. And I'll drive a
> reasonable distance to deliver or meet you halfway. Don't be shy
> about making an offer -- these are popular DX and contesting
> radios, but the K3 has killed the market for them, so they're
> going cheap relative to their real value!
> 73,
> Jim K9YC
> Santa Cruz
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