[SCCC] Antennas and Rohn 25 Tower Sections For sale

Dennis Vernacchia n6ki73 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 29 00:07:03 EDT 2008

I have between 60 and 90 feet of Rohn 25 Tower with 2 or 3 top sections 4
with fixed bases and 11 or 2 rotator plates

I have 1 Hy-gain 4 or 5 element 6 mtr beam

All sort sort 2 mtr short and long beam yagis, some 220 mHz. and 70 CM
all need elbow grease but will work so priced accordingly

have a 4 1296 lomg bppm yagis that need some tiny elements replaced
plus 3 LNAs for 70 Cm

I got  a bunch of High Gain Yagis their traps need plastic covers replaced

Maybe TH-3, TH6DX and maybe even a TH7, Lots of elbow grease needed on these
so priced to move

 Let me know your needs, the Hygain Yagis must be sold by Oct 10
or I will just cut em up and sell for scrap aluminum.....

73, Dennis N6KI
San Diego

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