[SCCC] Invitation to the September 10 meeting of the Southern California DX Club
n6hc at aol.com
n6hc at aol.com
Sun Aug 30 21:48:05 PDT 2009
The Southern California DX Club would like to invite you to our 7:30 PM Thursday evening meeting on September 10, 2009. The meeting is held at the Syd Kronenthal Park recreation center located in Culver City, CA. Please visit our web site at http://www.scdxc.org for directions to the meeting place and a map of the area.
Our featured speaker will be Randy Johnson, W6SJ. Randy is an experienced solo DXpeditioner "light" (small transceiver, no amplifier, easy to erect antennas, battery power and solar panels) to both domestic sites for national contests (California QSO Party, Field Day, etc) and international sites for DX contests (Bahamas). He usually combines his Bahamian DX trips with his other hobby - bone fishing. The following is his short biographical sketch:
"I got my first ham license in December 1951 when I was 14 years old. I had a great time with a 40-watt converted U.S. Army ARC-10 Tank transmitter. Band conditions weren’t good then, but I worked most of the Eastern States and 37 countries - a big thrill for a kid.
Time passed, I turned 16, got my driver’s license, started chasing girls, and went off to college - one without a ham station on campus. Basically I was off the air and I sold my modest station.
Late in 2001, my interest in ham radio was re-awakened. I still have my drivers license and I still like girls. In December 2001 – exactly 50 years after getting my first liceinse - I passed
all 4 exams and got an Extra Class license, AE6AX. I received my new call sign, W6SJ, in June 2002.
I started out with a QRP rig in April 2002, but I have upgraded to 100 watts in an antenna restricted community. I sneak by with a Force 12 Sigma 5 vertical for 20 through 10 and an Army surplus (for tanks and APCs) vertical for 30 and 40 meters. It breaks down into 4' segments so I can erect it at sundown and take it down in the morning. I could also take it with my tank... if I had one.
Having fun with DX is always a thrill, especially when I work a new one. I won the Clipperton Award the first year I joined the SCDXC and currently have about 230 countries worked. I love CW, perhaps because it is a connection with my youth. I seldom break out my microphone.
I built a K2 in 2005. I built the basic 15 watt rig, automatic antenna tuner, and 100 watt amplifier and have been having a ball with it. LOTS OF FUN! Even working DX.
I founded the Salton Sea Amateur Radio Club to be a vehicle for operating contests in the low QRN area below Sea Level. The club has two call signs, AA6SS and N6IMP. N6IMP will be used as the club call when operating from Imperial County during the CA QSO Party in October.
I have made five DX-Ventures to The Bahamas where I operate as C6AWS. During the 2005 CQ WW DX contest I made over 1,500 QSO's on 20 meters only, contacting 100 countries and 30 zones, all with my trusty
K2/100. I'll talk more about that at the June meeting.
I had fun in 2006 Field Day which I operated QRP from the Salton Sea. I made 465 QSO's in 18 hours of operating. The biggest thrill was working Europe QRP on Friday nite.
Stories of my adventures, with pictures, are at www.savvyborrower.com/amateur.htm I hope you enjoy reading about my adventures and are incentivized to plan a DX-Venture of your own."
Many of our club members gather before the meeting for dinner at the Roll 'n Rye deli at 10990 Jefferson Boulevard, Culver City, CA 90230. Telephone (310) 390-3497. Come join us to swap tall tales or learn of someone's latest exploit over the repast of your choice.
If you have any questions about this event, please contact Arnie Shatz, N6HC at n6hc at aol dot com.
The DXers of Southern California are looking forward to seeing you at our September meeting. Don't miss it!
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