[SCCC] Federal exemption for digital TV antennas

W6ph at aol.com W6ph at aol.com
Thu Jan 1 10:31:06 EST 2009

As a result of the switchover to digital television signals, the FCC has 
preempted any local rules or ordinances that prohibit the installation of an 
outdoor digital television receiving antenna.  The way it reads, an antenna may be 
placed up to 12 feet above a roof line for the purpose of TV reception.  It 
does preclude ham and CB antennas as such.  But hams have been very creative in 
using "TV antennas" for purposes other than TV reception.  Also noted in this 
OTARD (Over the air reception device) rule, transmissions are permitted for 
end user communications, i.e. cell phone coverage.  This rule is a result of the 
fact that digital signal reception in some areas could be less than the 
analog signal reception.  This may be the crack in the CC&R's that is needed for 
hams.  A very interesting read:
                                    73, Kurt, W6PH  (no analog or digital 
signals in Lone Pine)
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