[SCCC] Southern California DX Club meeting

n6hc at aol.com n6hc at aol.com
Wed Mar 11 08:18:57 PDT 2009

The Southern California DX Club would like to invite you to our 7:30 PM Thursday evening meeting on March 12, 2009.? The meeting is held at the Syd Kronenthal Park recreation center in Culver City, CA.? Please visit our web site at http://www.scdxc.org for directions to the meeting place and a map of the area.

Our featured speaker will be Bob Grimmick, N6OX, who will tell us about his recent adventures in Tunisia on the TS7C DXpedition.? Bob is an experienced DXpeditioner and a very engaging speaker.? He will regale us with interesting insights into this internationally staffed operation from North Africa and entertain us with beautiful photos of his trip.

Many of our club members gather before the meeting for dinner at the Roll 'n Rye deli at 10990 Jefferson Blvd., Culver City, CA 90230.? Telephone (310) 390-3497.? Come join us to swap tall tales or learn of someone's latest exploit over the repast of your choice.

If you have any questions about this event, please contact Arnie Shatz, N6HC at n6hc at aol dot com.

The DXers of Southern California are looking forward to seeing you at our March meeting.? Don't miss it!

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