[SCCC] K6GEP - Brief Contesting and DX Year in Review

Tim Goeppinger timgep at hotmail.com
Thu Dec 30 13:24:04 PST 2010

I missed the SCDXC deadline, so I am posting this here.

>From my "little pistol" perspective, 2010 was a good year for DX and contesting.

The most memorable contest of the year was ARRL DX CW with its spectacular openings
to Europe
 on 15 and 40.   Of the CQ WW contests in the fall, the RTTY contest had
 the best propagation, and allowed me to make a personal best record.

The memorable DXpeditions of the year for me were YI9PSE, the N7OU expedtions to ZK3 and 5W, 5R8X, and the mega ZL8X DXpedition.

 opening of 4 new PJ entities at 0400z on 10/10/10 was an event that 
will be remembered for many years.   Hearing all the pileups at once was

 personal "band of the year" was 17 meters.  It often provided the 
"sweet spot" opening to Europe in the mornings when 20 and 15 were 

Lets all hope for lots of sunspots in 2011! 

Tim K6GEP 		 	   		  

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