[SCCC] Old SCCC Pics

Dennis Younker NE6I NE6I at cox.net
Fri Jan 1 18:30:46 PST 2010


I would like to collect old SCCC pictures.  Pictures from club meetings, 
club multi op operations, club DXpeditions, old single op operations, the 
whole nine yards.  It's time we assembled these into one historical web 
page.  Credit will be given for all of your pictures.

As an aside, did anyone take any XE2SI pics from our operations back in the 
1970's and 80's?  I only attended one of these but oddly did not take my 

Please send me any of your old SCCC pictures in the highest resolution 
possible and include any and all notes that you can. Stories welcome!

(Be sure to email them to me and not send to the SCCC reflector.)


--Dennis, NE6I 

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