[SCCC] CW training

rick darwicki n6pe at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 30 18:45:54 PDT 2011

I ran across this, seems big in Europe.


RufzXP sends a chosen number of random selected true amateur radio calls (50 by default) to be typed into the keyboard. After <ENT> key has been pressed, the computer gives its next call.
If the call has been copied correctly, the transmitting speed increases, if not, it decreases. In this way software automatically adapts transmitting speed to user's maximum performance. Every last call can be heard once again by pressing F6-key (50% penalty).

The number of points for each call is primarily related to the CW-speed sent, the number of errors and the length of the call. In addition typing time exerts a minor influence. But it is helpful to think about whether the heard call is useful or not.

Rick, N6PE
If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong.

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