[SCCC] Fwd: 2011 NAQP CW - August - All 3830 Claimed Scores 09Aug2011

Bill Haddon haddon.bill at gmail.com
Tue Aug 9 08:17:40 PDT 2011

The 3830 system is fabulous. Without it, our NCCC Sprint Contests would be
more difficult to carry out.

One small problem should be mentioned:   Note the scores of the top tier of
NAQP entrants:

All Single Op LP
N5AW               742   205    10  1,522,110
W3DYA             1131   185    25    642,875
AA3B              1084   224    10    242,816 FRC

The N5AW score is of course in error; the correct score based on entered Q
and Mult totals is 152,110 rather than the claimed 1,522,110.   This
mis-information distorts the Team listings as well.

My wish list for 3830 is that a redundancy check be made to ensure the
entered Q and mult totals match the claimed score.

73 Bill N6ZFO
Contest Director
NCCC Sprint Ladder (www.ncccsprint.com)

On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 7:19 AM, Timothy Coker <n6win73 at gmail.com> wrote:

> For those who may not post scores to 3830 it's a pretty cool way to see how
> our teams did. It also let's Doug, N6RT, easily get a good feel of guys
> past
> performance so that he can align the teams properly.
> Here's the link for posting scores, in case anyone needs it.
> http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
> Here's the link for finding historical information on 3830:
> http://lists.contesting.com/_3830/
> 73,
> Tim / N6WIN.

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