[SCCC] Contest Ethics Question from IOTA Contest‏

Dan Violette danki6x at earthlink.net
Thu Aug 11 13:55:24 PDT 2011

The way most reviews go (all reviews?), if what is listed as sent = what is listed as received then good QSO.  All QSOs could be number 123, as long as they match what the other log has.  For ARRL, if we got off with a number, we would note it and go back and fix the QSO# the logging program put in to match what we sent.  Some may have details about it, but in general my understanding is leave the mistake on both ends and they will match and pass.  Changing logs after the contest like this is usually not considered meeting the "spirit of the rules".

Dan KI6X

-----Original Message-----
>From: Tim Goeppinger <timgep at hotmail.com>
>Sent: Aug 11, 2011 1:40 PM
>To: Southern Cal Contest Club <sccc at contesting.com>
>Subject: Re: [SCCC] Contest Ethics Question from IOTA Contest‏
>Thanks for the responses.
>I am getting a split between people saying to change it, and those who advise to tell them to keep their original logged QSO #.
>Would RSGB (IOTA Sponsor) nix a QSO because they sent a duplicate QSO #?   The log I will be submitting has a few duplicate #'s
>where we lost track of our count.
>Tim K6GEP
>SCCC mailing list
>SCCC at contesting.com

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