Michael Tope
W4EF at dellroy.com
Fri Jul 15 21:33:28 PDT 2011
IARU Score Summary Sheet
Start Date : 2011-07-07
CallSign Used : NI6W
Operator(s) : W4EF
Operator Category : SINGLE-OP
Band : ALL
Power : HIGH
Mode : CW
Default Exchange : 6
Name : Michael Tope
Address : 11018 Cardamine Drive
City/State/Zip : Tujunga CA 91042
Country : USA
ARRL Section : LAX
Club/Team : Southern California Contest Club
Software : N1MM Logger V9.12.8
Band Mode QSOs Pts Zon HQ
7 CW 20 52 8 4
14 CW 12 32 7 2
Total Both 32 84 15 6
Score : 1,764
Rig : Ten-Tec Omni 6+, Drake L-7
Antennas : 20M: Spiderbeam @25'
40M: Inverted-V @40'
Soapbox : The "plan" was to have NT6AA's Spiderbeam sitting
at 50' on my newly acquired AB-577 in time for the start of the IARU.
Needless to say that didn't work out. The threat of monsoonal
thunderstorms in the high desert slowed down the roofing crew who
re-roofed my cabin last week, so I was tied up keeping an eye on them
until Friday afternoon. It appears that the W8 who did the initial
assembly on Dave's Spiderbeam didn't cut the 20 meter wires to the
correct length so I spent a good deal of time Saturday in the hot sun
working through that problem. By late Saturday evening I had the antenna
up in the air about 25ft, but it was too windy (and I was too tired) to
raise the antenna any higher. I did hear A65CA coming in with good
signals on ~21028 KHz sometime after dark (I think it was around 9PM
local). He was better on the Spiderbeam compared to the 40 meter
inverted-V with the Spiderbeam pointed shortpath. I ran out and rotated
the antenna arm-strong style, but A65CA had QRT'd by the time I returned
to the shack, so I don't know for sure if he was shortpath, but that's
my guess. That was the highpoint of the contest for me (and I didn't
even work him). I made a few other QSOs here and there (probably the
equivalent of 2 minutes at W1AW/6). After a few hours rest I woke up
Sunday morning at ~3AM and decided to take advantage of the cool night
air to finish raising the AB-577 to full height (I couldn't stand the
thought of driving in those 7ft T-posts with the sun beating down on
me). One of the lower guys turned out to be shorter than it was supposed
to be, so I had to stop short with the antenna around 45ft. The
Spiderbeam appears to play like a Yagi even though the parasitic wire
dimensions appear to be off a little. Hopefully, I'll have some time in
August to tweak everything down to the last centimeter and get the
rotator connected to the shack (the cable I had on hand was too short).
I am looking forward to having a rotary beam at a decent height at my
own QTH after all these years of using low wires and verticals.
Thanks to Dave NT6AA for letting me test drive his Spiderbeam.
73, Mike W4EF/6......
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