[SCCC] Mini DX-pedition to Anacapa Island NA-144 Saturday July 2

Tim Goeppinger timgep at hotmail.com
Thu Jun 30 13:04:01 PDT 2011

I will be doing a mini-DXpedition from 1800z to 2230z Saturday July 2 from Anacapa Island.
Probably 50W using a SuperAntenna on any band (including WARC) that is open from 
20M to 6M.   Most likely:  20, 17 or 6, mainly CW. 

This also counts for lighthouse WLOTA LH-1300, and Ventura County.
NOT a rare grid - DM04   8-(

This is a trial run for a bigger expedition the last weekend of July.

If you hear me, please spot me.

Tim K6GEP 		 	   		  

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