[SCCC] Copying VERY High Speed CW - Good Advice or Hogwash ??? ( Not Humor )

Hank Garretson w6sx at arrl.net
Thu Sep 15 08:59:22 PDT 2011

On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 10:43 PM, Dennis Vernacchia <n6ki73 at gmail.com>wrote:

Ok Hank
> I need something preferably off line as I can't make radio listening skeds
> at fixed times - too much of life getting in the way!

Good Morning Dennis,

My response was to your question about what help*ed* increase code speed in
the past. It was a reminiscence and a regret about the current state of
traffic handling. Traffic handling these days isn't going to increase your
speed much.

As for now, my suggestion is operate as much as you can in contests. General
ragchewing isn't going to get you faster very fast.

Specifically, the weekly NCCC Sprints (NS) are a quick weekly dose of
relatively high-speed contesting. They're short, lots of fun, low pressure,
and probably faster than you're comfortable with--exactly what will increase
your speed. See


Also see my Webinar at bottom of this page


Off the air, MorseRunner and Rufz are excellent. Both include keyboarding
which is what you need for improving contest CW speed.




Hank, W6SX

Mammoth Lakes, California

Elevation 8083 feet in John Muir's Range of Light

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