[SCCC] Rookie Roundup today...

Glenn Rattmann k6na at cts.com
Sun Apr 15 10:12:57 PDT 2012

At 1100AM local today, the Rookie Roundup begins and goes until 5PM local.
You non-Rookies can only work Rookies.  YOU OTs 
would call 'CQ Rookies' if CQing, while they are 
supposed to call 'CQ Rookie Roundup.'

Be gentle and mentor these folks, we need them to 
hear activity, and stick with it!  I believe 
there are a couple of Rookies on our SCCC mail-list, so watch for them, too.

The fact that my newly licensed daughter Ashley 
(K6NAA) will be active, operating from N6TV's 
station up in San Jose, is purely coincidental to 
this announcement. ;-)  With 100 Watts, and 
California geography, it might be that 40m in 
late afternoon is the only band where SoCal can 
work the Bay area-- who knows?  Check Rules for 
the frequencies to watch.... work all the Newbies.

Good luck to all and have fun!

--Glenn K6NA

>Call sign of station worked
>your call sign
>your first name
>two-digit number of the year first licensed (“check”)
>State, Canadian province, Mexican call area, or “DX”.
>e.g. NØAX from KB1QAW, Carol, 08, Connecticut

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